Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I dreamt of many different faces of myself. An antique statue of 6 different heads that a had a singular body(One that smiles with clear eyes, one of a mischievous demeanour, one of adoration and longing,one of curiosity, one of magic, one of simplicity and one of enlightened expression which was the most peaceful and non attached of them all) revolving around in an ancient temple.Similar to Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, but different regarding a more mystic environment, with multi colored mist and green vines and an early morning woodsy smell. I like the one of magic most.

I went to bed with many questions. There is one I am still working out in my thoughts and I am am really taking my time with this one.

When I awoke this morning and walked outside my door.... I felt the wind on my face. The air was full of electricity. I started swaying with the direction of the wind, smiling and just being. All was simple... deconstructed, I just felt good. This is my favorite time of year. I am in my element. I took deep breaths and realized that I don't have time, nor do I want anymore pain. So this is it..... I have realized that everything is all a state of mind. When I feel something that doesn't feel good I can choose to feel differently.

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